Thursday, July 8, 2010

Allison Chase Guest Blogger

I'm away in Vegas! ;-) So while I am gone, the delightful Allison Chase will be filling in for me!

Hi Micole! Thanks for having me here today! You know, I had it in my mind that this was coming up, but what with a recent deadline to get a proposal in to my editor, copyedits to review for my December release, contest entries to judge, and actually having a LIFE besides…well, all I can say is it’s a good thing I’m in the habit of writing things down, because otherwise I might have been AWOL right now. As it is, I scrambled last minute to be ready!

But let’s face it, nowadays we all tend to take on too much. Too much work, too much volunteering, too many obligations for friends and family…it sometimes seems endless, especially when modern technology means we’re never really on our own. With our cell phones and laptops we bring our work, friends and family with us everywhere we go. Is it any wonder so many of us feel like pulling our hair out a lot of the time?

But I’m a rebel. My cell phone does little else than make & receive calls. My laptop is reserved for writing only and doesn’t go online. Yup, you heard me right. I spend enough time online as it is, so when I really need to relax I head out to my favorite spot in the backyard with a glass of wine and a book, usually one that transports me back in time to a simpler, more charming era.

Ha! I don’t think so! My new series, Her Majesty’s Secret Servants, takes place in the early Victorian years, and let me tell you, things couldn’t have been more complicated. I’m talking about the changing roles of men and women, the blurring of class lines, radical changes in economics and the educational system, political intrigue, financial shenanigans, drugs – yes, drugs! AND an explosion of technology such as the world had never seen before. Phew! Simple and charming? Not so much. Exciting? You bet!

In each of the series’ four books, I tackle a different aspect of that incredibly complex world. MOST EAGERLY YOURS (out now), involves financial fraud and a medicinal hoax that threaten to part some very nice people with their fortunes – and yes, I found it wonderfully cathartic to see that a couple of Bernie Madoff types got their just desserts! OUTRAGEOUSLY YOURS (Dec.7th) delves into Victorian physics and the advent of electricity – with a dose of SciFi thrown in for fun. The third book, RECKLESSLY YOURS (Dec. 2011), takes a breathless ride through the excitement and politics of the Royal Ascot races to the magic of remote Devonshire and then back again. And the fourth book…hmm…maybe I shouldn’t get ahead of myself here!

But each story presents different challenges for me as a writer, and just when I get comfortable with one subject, I take on a new one. Sometimes I stop and think, “Why do I do this to myself?” I can’t remember who it was, but I once heard a young actress say, “Whenever something scares me, I know I have to do it.” I think that’s excellent advice, because it means we should never stop challenging ourselves, never stop growing. And hey, if I’m going to force my poor heroines out of their comfort zones and send them on wild adventures on behalf of their queen, the least I can do is follow suit in my own unique way. And if sometimes I feel like tearing my hair out, so be it! At least I’m doing something I truly love.

Micole, here’s a question for you and your readers: What, if anything, is important enough to you to make you willing to step out of your comfort zone?

Leave your answer or a comment. One person will be randomly chosen to win a copy of MOST EAGERLY YOURS!

You can find out more about me and my books at and

Hugs and happy reading!



Traci said...

What a wonderful topic - human curiosity keeps us going. Gettng too comfy with something? Time to move on! Well, unless it's your marriage, lol. 22 years coming up for me...

Melissa Alvarez said...

Stepping out of your comfort zone is important whenever you're passionate about something. It doesn't matter what it is - writing, a job, defending a person or cause, stating your beliefs, or just pushing yourself to a higher personal level. This is a great topic Allison. Your books sound intriguing!

Mona Risk said...

Alison, you are one busy writer and I admire how you mange your time. I aloso like the premises of your books and how you mix historical with the beginning of sciences. Alison you are on my list.

Aleka Nakis said...

Wow, Allison. Your post rings so true.
Time is so limited and our plates are so full.
But, we always like a challenge. Stepping outside of our comfort zone is invigorating and often produces the best results. I thrive on challenges and changes. Life would be boring without them and there would be no reason to hurry out of bed. :-)

Alyssa Maxwell said...

Good morning, ladies! Thanks for dropping by! Traci, too funny! I agree, we don't want to change husbands just because we've grown comfortable with them, lol. In that case, comfortable is a good thing. But hey, we can spice things up once in a while.

Melissa and Aleka, your points are very true. I guess passion is exactly what drives most of us out of our comfort zones - it's when adrenaline kicks in and we forget to be afraid. Without it, life is colorless.

Mona, thank you! Can you believe science was one of my hardest subjects in school? So adding physics to Outrageously Yours was a challenge. Yet I'm a Trekkie, so adding touches of sci fi was a hoot for me.

Mary Ricksen said...

We have been married for 35 years next February.
He has become like my left leg. I need it, but I don't always address it.
We've been together since we were 18. Long time.
The passion has settled into comfort. And yes it's still in color!
I love the era you write about. Take me away!

Alyssa Maxwell said...

Hi Mary! Congrats on those 35 years, which prove that romance is real and love conquers all! Hurray for technicolor passion!

Nancy J. Cohen said...

If it's exciting for the writer to learn something new with each story, that makes it exciting for the reader as well. I do the same thing with my mysteries. Each one follows the thread of a current news issue, a Florida foible, or a minute subject that interested me at the time. Now I'm pushing the envelope writing my first truly paranormal romance. I am comfortable with futuristic romance, like my new release Silver Serenade, but dealing with magic in a contemporary setting is a totally new experience.

Alyssa Maxwell said...

Winner: according to, Mary Ricksen won my giveaway! Congrats Mary, and thanks to everyone who commented. Hugs to all!